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"Terpsichorus Maneuvers", choreographed by Durante Verzola

Terpsichorus Maneuvers:

"For a 20-something choreographer, Verzola startled with his inventiveness via straightforward balletics. This piece challenged with silky troupe configurations, unfussy classical artistry, and the fluency of phrase variations." - Explore Dance

"Concerto D'oro", choreographed by Durante Verzola

 Concerto D'oro

"A choreographer on the rise, Verzola has a gift for designing space and succeeds at directing moving bodies." - Philadelphia Dance  

"A Light Exists in Spring", choreographed by Durante Verzola

A Light Exists in Spring

"A well balanced trio that allowed Verzola to demonstrate his knack for musicality... a sophisticated blend of theatrical flair and carefully crafted movements." - Philadelphia Dance


Le Début

"Verzola continues to present classical ballet vocabulary in unfussy, thrilling ways..." - Philadelphia Dance

Trio for Six:

"The sequences were logical but playful, always deliciously musical" - Theater Jones

"Hit On All Sixes", choreographed by Durante Verzola

Hit On All Sixes:

"...carefree, bringing show biz airs and ballet with a jazz bounce to the stage. A fairly large cast enjoyed itself and entertained to tuneful music." - Dance View Times


Sonatas, For Lee:

"[Dancers] navigated the stage utilizing quick, petit allegro footwork, while at times slowing to a fluid adagio pace. It was a light and energetic work that perfectly set the tone..." - Columbia Spectator

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